Acordurile Facultății de Construcții și Instalații

Nr.crt.Universitatea partenerăȚaraCod ErasmusPerioadă valabilitate acordMobilităţiPersoană contactLink universitatea partenerăMobilitati studenti licenta - studiuMobilitati studenti master - studiu Mobilitati studenti doctorat - studiu
Linkuri de la modele de learning-agreement (LA) Linkuri de la modele de learning-agreement (LA) Linkuri de la modele de learning-agreement (LA)
1Johannes Kepler University LinzAustriaA LINZ012016/20213 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 3 week (cod 0732)Ș.l. dr.Cerasela
2Universiteit GentBelgiaB GENT012014/20213 std. S (L,M,D) x 6 luni (cod 582), 3 c.d. x 2 sapt. (cod 582)Prof. univ. dr. Irina Lunguwww.ugent.be
3Universite de LiegeBelgiaB LIEGE012017/20212 std. S (M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 1 week (cod 0732)Ș.l. dr. Adrian
4Visshe Stroitelno Uchilishte (VSU)- "Lyuben Karalov"* BulgariaBG SOFIA212014/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 6 luni (cod 0732),2 std. S (L,M) x 6 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0731), Prof. univ. dr. Dan Diaconu
5Todor Kableshkov Higher School of TransportBulgariaBG SOFIA222015/20212 std. S (L,M, D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), c.d. x 14 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
6Brno University of TechnologyCehiaCZ BRNO012014/20212 std. S (L,M, D) x 6 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
7Brno University of TechnologyCehiaCZ BRNO012019/20212 std. S (L,M, D) x 5 luni (cod 0715)Lect. univ. dr. Andrei
8University of CyprusCipruCY NICOSIA012015/20212 std. S (L,M, D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 8 h (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
9University NorthCroatiaHR VARAZDI022015/20212 std. S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
10TTK University of Applied Sciences TTK UASEstoniaEE TALLINN062017/20214 std.S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 4 std.P (L) x 3 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0732), 2 STTConf. univ. dr. Liliana
11Universite d'OrleansFrantaF ORLEANS012014/20212 std. S (L, M, D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina Lunguwww.univ-orleans.fr
12Aix-Marseille UniversiteFrantaF MARSEIL842014/20212 std. S (L, M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
13Universite d'ArtoisFrantaF ARRAS122014/20212 std. S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Dorina
14Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse IIIFrantaF TOULOUS032014/20212 std. S (M) x 10 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 2 sapt. (cod 0732)S.l. dr. Cristian
15University of Reims Champagne-ArdenneFrantaF REIMS012014/20213 std. S (L,M,D) x 4 luni (cod 0732), 3 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732)S.l. dr. Cristian
16Universite Lille 1- Sciences et TechnologiesFrantaF LILLE 012015/20213 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 2 sapt. (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
17Universite dAngersFrantaF ANGERS012015/20212 std S (M)*6 luni, cod 0732, 1cd*5 zile, cod 0732Conf. univ. dr. Daniel
18Universite Paris Est Creteil Val-de Marne UPEC -Faculte sciences et technologiesFrantaF PARIS0122015/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 10 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 2 sapt. (cod 0732)S.l. dr. Cristian
19ENTPE -Ecole Nationale des Travaux publics de lEtatFrantaF VAULX -V022015/20212 std. S (M,D) x 12 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 7 zile. (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
20INSA StrasbourgFrantaF STRASBO312018/20212 std. S (L, M) x 12 luni (cod 0713/), 2 std. P (L, M) x 12 luni (cod 0713), 2 c.d. x 14 zile (cod 0713)Prof. univ. dr. Irina Lunguwww.insa-strasbourg.fr
21INSA Rouen NormandieFrantaF ROUEN 062018/20212 std. S (L, M) x 12 luni (cod 071/), 2 std. P (L, M) x 12 luni (cod 071), 2 c.d. x 14 zile (cod 071)Prof. univ. dr. Irina Lunguwww.insa-rouen.fr
22universite Claude Bernard LyonFrantaF LYON012017/20202 std. S (L, M) x 5 luni (cod 071), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 071)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
23Ruhr-Universitat BochumGermaniaD BOCHUM012014/20212 std. S (L,M) x 6 luni (cod 582), 1 c.d. x 2 sapt. (cod 582)Prof. univ. dr. Gabriela
24Technische Universitat DresdenGermaniaD DRESDEN022014/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
25Fachhochschule KolnGermaniaD KOLN042014/20214 std. S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
26RWTH Aachen UniversityGermaniaD AACHEN012014/20212 std. S (L,M) x 9 luni (cod 582), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 582)S.l. dr. Ionut Ovidiu Tomawww.fb3.rwth-aachen.de
27Universitat KasselGermaniaD KASSEL012014/20212std.(D)x6luni (cod 0732),1cdx7days (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Gabriela
28Aristotle University of ThessalonikiGreciaG THESSAL012014/20211 std. S (L,M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 7 zile (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae Taranuwww.auth.gr
29National Technical University of AthensGreciaG ATHINE022014/20214 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
30Democritus University of ThraceGreciaG KOMOTIN012015/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 6 luni (cod 0732), 2 std. P (L,M,D)*6 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 8 h (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
31Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio EmiliaItaliaI MODENA012014/20212 std. S (L,M) x 6 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 0732)Prof. Liliana Bejanwww.unimore.it
32Universita degli Dtudi del MoliseItaliaI CAMPOBA012014/20202 std. S (L,M) x 6 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
33University of PisaItaliaI PISA012014/20212 std. S(L,M) x 6 luni, 1 std. P (L,M) x 6 luni (cod 073),2 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 073)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
34Universita della CalabriaItaliaI COSENZA012014/20211 std. S (L,M) x 6 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0722)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
35Universita degli Studi di FirenzeItaliaI FIRENZE012014/20214 std. S (L,M,D) x 6 luni (cod 582), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 582)Prof. univ. dr. Liliana Bejanwww.unifi.it
36Universita degli Studi di FirenzeItaliaI FIRENZE012014/20212 std. S(L,M) x 6 luni (cod 582), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 582)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
37Universita degli Studi di PadovaItaliaI PADOVA012014/20213 std. S (L,M,D) x 6 luni (cod 582), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 582)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
38Universita degli Studi di BresciaItaliaI BRESCIA012014/20212 std. S (M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 2 sapt. (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
39Universita degli Studi di CassinoItaliaI CASSINO012014/20212 std. S (M,D) x 10 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
40Secunda Universita degli Studi di NapoliItaliaI NAPOLI092015/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), c.d. x 14 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
41Universita degli Studi della BasilicataItaliaI POTENZA 012016/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), c.d. x 14 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
42University of ParmaItaliaI PARMA012015/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), c.d. x 14 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
43Universita degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio CalabriaItaliaI REGGIO012014/20213 std. S (L, M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), c.d. x 15 zile(cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
44University of PalermoItaliaI PALERMO012017/20214 std. S (L, M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 4 c.d. x 7 zile(cod 0732), 4STT*7 zileȘ. l. dr.Cerasela
45University of SheffieldMarea BritanieUK SHEFFIE012017/2021 1 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae
46University of East LondonMarea BritanieUK LONDON0642014/20212 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
47University of Northumbria at NewcastleMarea BritanieUK NEWCASTLE022017/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 10 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
48Barhale LimitedMarea BritanieUK2018/20213 std P (L, M,D)*4 months (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Gabriel Oprisan
49SS Cyril and Methodius University in SkopjeMacedoniaMK SKOPE012018/20215 std. S (L,M,D) x 6 luni (cod 0732), 3 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
50University of TwenteOlandaNL ENSCHED012017/20212 std. S(M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d.x1 sapt. (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Gabriel
51The University of Technology and Life Sciences in BydgoszczPoloniaPL BYDGOSZ022014/20212 std. S (L,M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
52Politechnika Czestochowska (Czestochowa University of Technology)PoloniaPL CZESTOC012014/20211std(L, M)x 6 luni, cod 0732Prof. univ. dr. Constantin Sarmasanuwww.pcz.lp
53Wroclaw University of TechnologyPoloniaPL WROCLAW022014/20212std(M,D)x10 luni sau 4std (M,D)x5 luni, cod 0732, cd 15 zile, cod 0732Prof. univ. dr. Irina
54Warshaw University of TechnologyPoloniaPL WARSZAW022018/20212std(L, M)x12 luni (cod 0732), 2cd *5 zile, cod 0732Ș. l. dr. Gabriela
55Universidade do MinhoPortugaliaP BRAGA012014/20213 std.S (L,M,D) x 6 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 2 sapt. (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Liliana
56Universidade Nova de LisboaPortugaliaP LISBOA032014/20212 std.S ( L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Liliana
57Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa- Instituto Superior TecnicoPortugaliaP LISBOA042014/20211 std. S (M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
58Instituto Politecnico de Castelo BrancoPortugaliaP CASTELO012015/20212 std. S (M,S) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
59University of PortoPortugaliaP PORTO022017/20191 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 582), 1 c.d. x 8 h(cod 582)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
60Universidade da BeiraPortugaliaP COVILHA012016/20212 std.S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d. x 7 zile. (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
61Instituto Politecnico de Tomar, PortugalPortugaliaP TOMAR012016/20212 std.S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732si 0715),2 std.P (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732si 0715),2 c.d. x 7 zile. (cod 0732 și 0715)Prof. univ. dr. Liliana Bejanwww.gri.ipt.pt
62Universidad de A CorunaSpaniaE LA CORU012014/20216 std. S (L,M,D) x 10 luni (cod 582), 2 c.d. x 2 sapt.(cod 582)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
63Universidad de SevillaSpaniaE SEVILLA012016/20212 std. S (L,M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 10 zile(cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
64Universidad Politecnica de MadridSpaniaE MADRID052014/20214 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni, 2 std P(L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 582), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 582)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
65Universidad de BurgosSpaniaE BURGOS012014/20212 std. S (L,M) x 10 luni (cod 582), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 582)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
66Universidad de GranadaSpaniaE GRANADA012014/20213 std. S (L) x 6 luni (cod 0731/0732), 1 c.d. x 8 ore(cod 0731/0732) - TBDProf. univ. dr. Irina
67Universidad de Castilla La ManchaSpaniaE CIUDAR012015/20212 std. S (L,M, D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), P* 6 luni, 2 c.d. x 7 zile(cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
68Universidad de LeonSpaniaE LEON012015/20212 std. S (L,M, D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 8 zile(cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
69University of HuelvaSpaniaE HUELVA012017/20214 std. S (L,M, D) x 5 luni (cod 0521/0531/0611/0711/0713/0714/0715), 1 c.d. x 8 zile(cod 0732), cd*((cod 0521/0531/0611/0711/0713/0714/0715)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
70Universidad Politecnica de CartagenaSpaniaE MURCIA042016/20212 std. S (L,M) x 9 luni (cod 0732/052), 2 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732/052)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
71Universidad Jaume 1SpaniaE CASTELL012017/20211 std. S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0732/061/071), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732/061/071)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
72Universidad de CordobaSpaniaE CORDOBA012017/20213 std. S (M) x 5 luni (cod 0732/061/0520), 3 c.d. x 7 zile (cod 0732/061/0520), STTX7 zileProf. univ. dr. Irina
73Universitat Politecnica de ValenciaSpaniaE VALENCI022017/20213 std. S (L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0520/0732), 3 std. P (L,M,D) x 5 luni, 2 c.d. x 7 zile (cod 0520/0732)S.l. dr. Marius Teliscawww.gandia.upv.es
74Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente MartirSpaniaE VALENCI112017/20211 std. S (L,M) x 9 luni (cod 041), 2 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 041), STTProf. univ. dr. Florin Alexandru
75Universidad de MalagaSpaniaE MALAGA012017/20213 std. S (L) x 9 luni (cod 071), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 071)Prof. univ. dr. Liliana
76University of MariborSloveniaSI MARIBOR012014/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 10 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0732/1041)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
77Slovak University Technology in BratislavaSlovaciaSK BRATISL012017/20217 std. S (L,M,D) x 4 luni (cod 0732/1041), 2 c.d. x 14 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Marius Costel
78Gediz UniversitesiTurciaTR IZMIR072013/20201 std. S (L,M,D) x 6 luni,1 std. P (M,D) x 6 luni, 1 c.d. x 1 sapt.Prof. univ. dr. Irina
79Istanbul Aydin UniversityTurciaTR ISTANBUL252015/20212 std. S (L,M, D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 3 c.d. x 5 zile(cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
80Hasan KalyoncuTurciaTR GAZIANT032014/20212 std.S (L, M,D)x5 luni, cod 582, 2 std.S (L, M, D) x5 luni cod 481, 2 std S (L, M, D)x5 luni cod 48, 2 std S (L, M, D)x5 luni cod 523, 1cdx7 zile cod 481, 1cdx7 zile cod 48,1cdx7 zile cod 523,3cdx7 zile cod 0231Asist. univ. dr. Olivia
81Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam UniversityTurciaTR KAHRAMA012014/20212 std. S(L) x 6 luni (cod 0732), 3 c.d x 5 zile (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Dorina Isopescu
82Karabuk UniversityTurciaTR KARABUK012014/20212 std. S(L,M,D) x 5 luni, 2 std. P x 4 luni (cod 0732), 2 c.d x 5 zile (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Dorina
83Middle East Technical UniversityTurciaTR ANKARA042014/20213 std. S(L,M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d x 1 sapt. (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
84Izmir Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitusu IZTECHTurciaTR IZMIR032015/20212 std. S(L,M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), c.d x 14 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
85Istanbul Technical UniversityTurciaTR ISTANBU042014/20212 std. S (M,D) x 4 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt. ( cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Gabriela
86Yeditepe University TurciaTR ISTANBU212015/20212 std. S(L,M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), c.d x 14 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Ancuta
87Atilim UniversityTurciaTR ANKARA032016/20212 std. S(L) x 10 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d x 14 zile (cod 0732)Prof. univ. dr. Dorina
88Ercives UniversityTurciaTR KAYSERI012017/20212 std. S(L,M) x 5 luni (cod 0732), c.d x 7 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Gabriel
89Maltepe UniversityTurciaTR ISTANBU182018/20211 std. S(L) x 9 luni (cod 0732), 1 c.d x 5 zile (cod 0732)Conf. univ. dr. Gabriel