Latest Info about COVID -19

Following the meeting of the Management Board of our University in the period 12-31 March 2020, the COURSES WILL BE


The accomodation in T8 will be kept, but we strongly advise you to stay
in your room as much is possible and not receive ANY VISITS !

We also mention that the canteen will be closed until 31 MARCH.

We will communicate only by email.

Should you feel sick or you have any symptoms, please call 112!!

Dont forget the recommendation as follows


* Frequently wash your hands with soap and water, rubbing them well for at
least 20
* Strengthen hand washing before and after food preparation or meals or
after the
use of the bathroom and whenever the hands are dirty;
* Use alternatively, for hand hygiene, an alcohol-based solution;
* Wear paper scarves (single-use);
* Put the used scarves into a dustbin and wash your hands;
* Cough or sneeze to the arm with the elbow flexed, not to the hands; *
Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands or contaminated
respiratory secretions;
* Avoid staying indoors, in places closed and full of people, within 14
days of return;

It is advisable to:
* Be aware if you have symptoms like fever, cough or respiratory
* Measure body temperature twice a day and record the values;
. Check if any of the people with whom you convive closely develops
symptoms (fever,cough or breathing difficulty);