Acordurile Facultății de Arhitectură ”G. M. Cantacuzino”

Nr. crt.Universitatea partenerăȚaraCod ErasmusPerioadă valabilitate acordMobilităţiPersoană contactLink universitatea partenerăMobilitati studenti licenta - studiuMobilitati studenti master - studiu Mobilitati studenti doctorat - studiu
Linkuri de la modele de learning-agreement (LA) Linkuri de la modele de learning-agreement (LA) Linkuri de la modele de learning-agreement (LA)
1Universite Catholieque de LouvainBelgiaB LOUVAIN012014/20214 std. S (L,M) x 10 luni (cod 0731), 2 c.d. x 2 sapt (cod 0731).Prof. univ. dr. Virgiliu
2Universite de LiegeBelgiaB LIEGE012015/20211std. S(L, M)x 10 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 8h. (cod 0731)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos
3TTK University of Applied Sciences TTK UASEstoniaEE TALLINN062017/20214 std.S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0731), 4 std.P (L) x 3 luni (cod 0731), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0731), 2 STTConf. univ. dr. Dragos
4Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture et de Paysage de LilleFrantaF LILLE252014/20212 std. S (L,M) x 10 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 2 sapt (cod 0731).Prof. univ. dr. Virgiliu III sem I
an V sem I
5Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture et de Saint EtienneFrantaF ST ETIE082016/20212std. S(L)x 10 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 8 zile (cod 0731)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos Ciolacu
6Aristotle University of ThessalonikiGreciaG THESSAL012016/20214std. S(L)x 5 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0731)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos Ciolacuwww.auth.gran III sem II
7INSA StrasbourgFrantaF STRASBO312018/20212 std. S (L, M) x 12 luni (cod 0731/), 2 std. P (L, M) x 12 luni (cod 0731), 2 c.d. x 14 zile (cod 0731)Prof. univ. dr. Irina
8Seconda Universita degli Studi di NapoliItaliaI NAPOLI092014/20214 std. S (L,M) x 9 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0731)Prof. univ. dr. Virgiliu
9Universita`degli Studi di FerraraItaliaI FERRARA012014/20212 std. S (M,L) x 5 luni (cod 073), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 073)Prof. univ. dr. Virgiliu Onofreiwww.unife.itan IV sem II
10Universita degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio CalabriaItaliaI REGGIO012014/20213 std. S (L, M,D) x 5 luni (cod 0731), c.d. x 15 zile(cod 0731)Prof. univ. dr. Irina Lunguwww.unirc.itan IV sem II
11Politecnico di TorinoItaliaI TORINO022018/20212 std. S (L, M) x 5 luni (cod 0731/), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0731)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos
12Universita degli Studi di GenovaItaliaI GENOVA012019/20212std. S (L, M)x5 luni, cod 731,2cdx 7 zile cod 731As. Camina Gheorghiță
13The University of Technology and Life Sciences in BydgoszczPoloniaPL BYDGOSZ022014/20212 std. S (L,M) x 5 luni (cod 073), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 073)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos
14Lublin University of TechnologyPoloniaPL LUBLIN032019/20212std. S (L, M)x5 luni, cod 731,2cdx 7 zile cod 731As. univ. dr. Camina Gheorghițăwww.bkm2.pollub.plan 3 sem 1
15University Institute of Lisbon ISCTE -IULPortugaliaP LISBOA072014/20202 std. S (L,M) x 6 luni cod 731, TBD cod 731Conf. univ. dr. Dragos Ciolacuwww.iscte.ptan 3 sem 1

an 3 sem 2
16Universidade de LisboaPortugaliaP LISBOA1092015/20212std. S (L, M)x10 luni, cod 731,1cdx8ore cod 731 Conf. univ. dr. Dragos Ciolacuwww.dacademica.fa.ulisboa.ptan 3 sem 2
17Universidade de LisboaPortugaliaP LISBOA1092018/20212std. S (L, M)x5 luni, cod 731,2cdx8ore cod 731, STTAs. univ. dr. Camina Gheorghiță
18Universidade de EvoraPortugaliaP EVORA012019/20212std. S (L, M)x5 luni, cod 731,2cdx8ore cod 731, STTAs. univ. dr. Camina Gheorghiță
19Universidad de A CorunaSpaniaE LA CORU012014/20212 std. S (L,M,D) x 10 luni (cod 581), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt. (cod 581)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos
20Universidad de AlcalaSpaniaE ALCAL-H012014/20214 std. S (L,M) x 5 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 5 zile (cod 0731)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos
21Universidad CEU Cardenal HerreraSpaniaE VALENCI082014/20212 std. S (L,M) x 5 luni (cod 0730), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0730)Prof. univ. dr. Mihai
22University of ZaragozaSpaniaE ZARAGOZ012017/20202 std. S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0731), c.d. x 1 sapt *8h.(cod 0731)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos
23Escola Tecnica Superior dArquitectura de BarcelonaSpaniaE BARCELO032019/20211cdx7 zileAs. univ. dr. Camina Gheorghiță
24University of MariborSloveniaSI MARIBOR012014/20213 std. S (L,M) x 6 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 5 zile(cod 0731)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos
25Halic UniversityTurciaTR ISTANBU152014/20212 std. S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0731)Prof. univ. dr. Virgiliu
26T.C. Dogus UniversitesiTurciaTR ISTANBU122014/20212 std. S (L) x 5 luni (cod 073), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 073)Prof. univ. dr. Virgiliu
27Karabuk UniversityTurciaTR KARABUK012014/20212 std. S(L,M,D) x 5 luni, 2 std. P x 4 luni (cod 0731), 2 c.d x 5 zile (cod 0731)Conf. univ. dr. Dragos
28Hasan KalyoncuTurciaTR GAZIANT032014/20212 std.S (L, M,D)x5 luni, cod 582, 2 std.S (L, M, D) x5 luni cod 481, 2 std S (L, M, D)x5 luni cod 48, 2 std S (L, M, D)x5 luni cod 523, 1cdx7 zile cod 481, 1cdx7 zile cod 48,1cdx7 zile cod 523,3cdx7 zile cod 0231Asist. univ. dr. Olivia
29Istanbul Okan UniversityTurciaTR ISTANBU222019/20212 std. S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0731), 2 c.d. x 2 sapt.(cod 0731), STTAs. univ. dr. Camina Gheorghiță
30Yeditepe UniversityTurciaTR ISTANBU212019/20212 std. S (L, M) x 5 luni (cod 0731), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0731), STTAs. univ. dr. Camina Gheorghiță
31Istanbul Arel UniversityTurciaTR ISTANBU292019/20212 std. S (L, M) x 5 luni (cod 0731), 1 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0731), STTAs. univ. dr. Camina Gheorghiță
32Northumbria University, NewcastleUKUK NEWCAST022017/20214 std. S (L) x 5 luni (cod 0731), 2 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0731)As. univ. dr. Camina Gheorghiță
33Budapest University of Technology and EconomicsUngariaHU BUDAPES022019/20212 std. S (L, M) x 5 luni (cod 0731), 21 c.d. x 1 sapt.(cod 0731)As. univ. dr. Camina Gheorghiță